Friends of Witham
The Friends of Witham is the parental society of the School which includes year representatives and other interested parents and guardians.
There is a real sense of community, both amongst the children and the parents.
The society aims to:
- Foster a culture of togetherness and willingness among the parents, pupils and staff.
- Further enhance both the pupils’ and parents’ enjoyment of life at Witham Hall, through the organisation of a number of family events such as the Michaelmas Fireworks event and Winter Fair.
- Encourage social interaction amongst parents through a year-round programme of gatherings and events including Coffee Mornings, interval drinks at play performances and the biennial Summer Ball.
- Support the Headmaster in the welcoming and effective integration of new parents to the School.
- Raise funds to support Headmaster or Friends of Witham initiated projects, as well as smaller initiatives at the request of the Headmaster, his colleagues or the School Council.
- Support the Headmaster and the School in its charitable fundraising events, such as the Macmillan Coffee morning and the annual Fun Run.
- Run the second-hand uniform shop for the benefit of Witham parents.
The FOW team have great fun organising various events throughout the school year, and all parents and guardians are welcome at meetings, so please come along.
If you would like to know more about FOW or how to get involved with helping at a forthcoming event, then please talk to your Year Representative. We look forward to seeing you!
Carina Hanbury
FOW Chair 2024-24