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Staff and Governors


  • Mr William Austen


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  • Mrs Jossie Austen

    Director of External Relations

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  • Mr Rupert Candy

    Deputy Head (Academic)

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  • Mr Guy Erskine-Naylor

    Assistant Head

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  • Miss Alice Jenkins

    Head of Pre-Prep and Early Years

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  • Mr Paul Lamb

    Bursar & Clerk to the Governors

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  • Mrs Lucy Meadows

    Head of Boarding and Assistant Director of Sport

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  • Miss Katy Rule

    Deputy Head (Pastoral) and DSL

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  • Mrs Sarah Bateman

    Learning Support

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  • Mrs Jessica Beeton

    Head of French & Head of Teaching and Learning

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  • Mrs Victoria Birch

    Head of Geography

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  • Mr Stuart Blake

    Deputy Head, Pre-Prep

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  • Mr Paul Boswall

    Learning Support

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  • Mrs Louise Bowen-West

    Head of Latin

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  • Mrs Vicki Burrill

    Learning Support

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  • Mr Freddie Chapman

    Prep Teacher & Deputy Housemaster

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  • Mrs Melanie Collins

    Head of Art

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  • Mrs Katie Cooke

    Early Years Teaching Assistant

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  • Miss Amy Copland

    Sports Coach & Teaching Assistant

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  • Ms Juliet Croucher

    Teaching Assistant

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  • Miss Lucy Crowe

    Pre-Prep Teacher

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  • Mrs Lucy Dawes

    Learning Support

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  • Ms Miriam Forbes

    Director of Music

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  • Mrs Sarah Freeman

    Teaching Assistant

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  • Mrs Kate Hewlett

    Teacher of Maths

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  • Dr Kevin Isaac

    Head of Science

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  • Mrs Sally Keeling

    Pre-Prep Teacher

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  • Mrs Nichola Lawton

    Head of Maths

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  • Mr Dave Maudsley

    Director of Sport

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  • Ms Catherine McCullough

    Head of English

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  • Mr Chris Meadows

    Head of IT & Housemaster

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  • Mr Andrew Monk

    Head of History

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  • Mrs Melissa Offer

    Pre-Prep Teacher

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  • Mrs Emilie Rathbone

    Teacher of PE and Games

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  • Miss Emily Soppitt

    Teacher of Science

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  • Mrs Nikki Speirs

    Year 4 Form Tutor

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  • Miss Alex Storey

    Head of Drama

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  • Mrs Frances Tregunno

    Year 4 Form Tutor

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  • Mrs Tracy Webster

    Head of Theology, Philosophy and Religion

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  • Mrs Rachel Williams

    Head of Learning Support

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  • Mrs Mel Burgin

    HR Manager

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  • Mrs Viv Chappell

    Uniform Shop Manager

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  • Mrs Celia Cooper Brown


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  • Mrs Donna Dimeloe

    Headmaster's PA

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  • Miss Anna Korth

    Head Matron

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  • Mrs Jayne Mair


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  • Penny Newton

    School Counsellor

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  • Mrs Chloe Robinson

    Communications Officer

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  • Mrs Helen Sherwin

    Finance Manager

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  • Mr Stephen Chandley


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  • Mr Lee Dash


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  • Miss Jane Emmanuel


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  • Mrs Samantha Kerby-Hall


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  • Mrs Gayle Lond

    Brass & Woodwind

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  • Miss Fiona MacLennan


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  • Miss Katie Neaves

    Violin & Viola

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  • Mr Steve Pitts


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  • Emily Smith


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  • Mrs Barbara Tomlinson


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  • Mr Andrew Riddington


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  • Mrs Helen Banks

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  • Mrs Caroline Braid OBE KC

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  • Rev Andrew Hawes

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  • Mr B James Holdsworth

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  • Mrs Sarah Kerr-Dineen

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  • Mrs Katherine Robertson

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  • Mrs Samantha Rowntree

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  • Mr Alastair Speers

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  • Mr Ross Thain

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  • Mr Will Thomas

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  • Mr Ed Wass

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  • Mr Ben Wilson

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